Friday, 10 July 2015

Porcupine Purse – Finished!

This delightful little purse is finished, and I think that it is quite one of the prettiest things I have ever made! The pattern, Porcupine Knitting for a Purse, is from A Winter Gift for Ladies Being Instructions in Knitting, Netting and Crotchet (sic) Work. Containing the Newest and Most Fashionable Patterns. From the Latest London Edition Revised and Enlarged by An American Lady. Philadelphia: G.B. Zieber & Co. 1848.This book is available from 

I modeled the colours on the same purse in the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum

I have already written in this blog about the construction details of this purse and the larger version I made in the following two links:

There were many ends left at the end but as I lined the purse with imitation pale green silk, I tied them off and covered them up.

As mentioned in my other posts, I did not add beads. The finished purse measures just over 7” long, including the “leaves” at the bottom, and 2” wide at the broadest part of the points’ section.


=Tamar said...

It's adorable!

One More Stitch said...

Thank you! I think it is so very sweet. Tiny but lovely.

Karas Kitchen said...

Great reading yyour blog