A new year and lots of projects although if I made any resolutions, they were to keep chipping away at the ufos. I took some time over the holiday break to have a good clear-out and re-organise all of my knitting, sewing, quilting and stitching. A series of lists have been made, including one labeled “Priority.” Two things have already been crossed off of that one but since they were not of an historical nature, they will not be featured here in spite of the seasonal non-historical knitting* and quilt in the photograph. I did also take some time to start a project which is historical, and not from a period pattern but is a museum reproduction. I hope to have it up on these pages by the end of the month.
*For the last year or so, I have knit miniature items out of left-over yarn from larger projects, and these make sweet little decorations and a nice memory set.