Six file boxes of patterns
were tackled next and any missing patterns were re-united with their projects
or listed as still missing. Then the computer came under scrutiny, namely saved
electronic patterns and the bookmarks of any related subjects.
Now it was time for the
spreadsheet of knitting projects in 2012. Even though I love to play with pens
and paper, I have used this format for record keeping for the past few years as
it has a search feature and I can print out various kinds of lists. Name, pattern source, category, status
(F or IP), date of starting, yarn, needle size, notes, number for addition,
completed, historical, historical completed, (historically) related*,
(historically) related completed*, started in 2012, completed in 2012 and the month.
Of course, I am deeply indebted to Raverly’s project page feature for providing
and maintaining this kind of information, thus making it easier for me to pop
it into the spreadsheets.
The names of projects
still in progress (IP) are in black and the completed ones are in bold red.
As for the results - the
numbers for this sheet for 2012 reflect the period between January 1, 2012 and midnight,
December 31, 2012 but do not include any of my charity knitting
which I do not track on Ravelry or my spreadsheets.
All projects on
needles - 141
(throughout 2012)
Finished – 74 (by the end of 2012)
Added in 2012 – 44; 33 finished. 11 remaining in 2013
All remaining projects – 67
Historical projects – 72 (out of 141)
Finished - 42
Added in 2012 - 10
Remaining - 30

*Items that bear a
resemblance to or are inspired by an historical pattern or object but are not a
End of Part Two
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